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Donic Newgy Robo Tote-Bag

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Donic Newgy Robotzak Binnen enkele dagen beschikbaar
€ 99,00

Practical storage and carrying bag for Robo-Pong tt-robots.
Robo-Tote is also a great storage case to protect your Robo-Pong from dust, dirt and scratches.
The ROBO-PONG 2055 and 3050XL can be folded up including the net and securely placed into the strong ROBO TOTE BAG.
With the soft carry ROBO-TOTE, the robot can be transported safely to any destination and be set up again to play in minutes.

Also fits Robo-Pong models without the recycling Net System with extra space left at the top to store other table tennis equipment and accessories.

Size: approx. 85 x 30 x 36cm

Sparen* !

    voor de aankoop van50€
    voor de aankoop van100€
    voor de aankoop van150€
    voor de aankoop van200€
    voor de aankoop van250€
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