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Stiga Nostalgic Allround

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Stiga Nostalgic Allround Penhouder Op voorraad (32)
€ 81,90
The Nostalgic Allround is a 5-ply blade build with the same hand selected middle veneers used in the Allround Classic, however for the outer veneer we use a hard yet elastic natural wood called “Wenge”. Allround 5-ply blade. Handmade in Sweden. Developed for the ABS-ball. Made with environment friendly Adhesives. Same hand selected middle veneers as the Allround Classic. Solid handle in hard yet elastic Wenge material. Uniquely designed metal lens. Made for the allround player who’s looking for a bit more speed.
Meer informatie
Merken STIGA
Blade type ALL+
Layers 5
Blades Feeling hard

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